
本文最后更新于:2023年12月5日 晚上

func AssertType(hasType, expectType string, action string)
func ConvertKwargsToCmdLineArgs(kwargs KwArgs) []string
func DebugNodes(node []DagNode)
func DebugOutGoingMap(node []DagNode, m map[int]map[Label][]NodeInfo)
func Probe(fileName string, kwargs ...KwArgs) (string, error)
func ProbeWithTimeout(fileName string, timeOut time.Duration, kwargs KwArgs) (string, error)
func ProbeWithTimeoutExec(fileName string, timeOut time.Duration, kwargs KwArgs) (string, error)
type Args
    func (a Args) EscapeWith(chars string) Args
    func (a Args) Sorted() Args
type DagEdge
    func GetInComingEdges(downStreamNode DagNode, inComingEdgeMap map[Label]NodeInfo) []DagEdge
    func GetOutGoingEdges(upStreamNode DagNode, outOutingEdgeMap map[Label][]NodeInfo) []DagEdge
type DagNode
    func TopSort(downStreamNodes []DagNode) (sortedNodes []DagNode, outOutingEdgeMaps map[int]map[Label][]NodeInfo, ...)
type Graph
type GraphNode
type GraphOptions
type KwArgs
 func MergeKwArgs(args []KwArgs) KwArgs
    func (a KwArgs) Copy() KwArgs
    func (a KwArgs) EscapeWith(chars string) KwArgs
    func (a KwArgs) GetDefault(k string, defaultV interface{}) interface{}
    func (a KwArgs) GetString(k string) string
    func (a KwArgs) HasKey(k string) bool
    func (a KwArgs) PopDefault(k string, defaultV interface{}) interface{}
    func (a KwArgs) PopString(k string) string
    func (a KwArgs) SortedKeys() []string
type Label
type Node
    func FilterMultiOutput(streamSpec []*Stream, filterName string, args Args, kwArgs ...KwArgs) *Node
    func NewFilterNode(name string, streamSpec []*Stream, maxInput int, args []string, kwargs KwArgs) *Node
    func NewGlobalNode(name string, streamSpec []*Stream, args []string, kwargs KwArgs) *Node
    func NewInputNode(name string, args []string, kwargs KwArgs) *Node
    func NewMergeOutputsNode(name string, streamSpec []*Stream) *Node
    func NewNode(streamSpec []*Stream, name string, incomingStreamTypes sets.String, ...) *Node
    func NewOutputNode(name string, streamSpec []*Stream, args []string, kwargs KwArgs) *Node
    func (n *Node) Equal(other DagNode) bool
    func (n *Node) Get(a string) *Stream
    func (n *Node) GetFilter(outgoingEdges []DagEdge) string
    func (n *Node) GetInComingEdges() []DagEdge
    func (n *Node) Hash() int
    func (n *Node) IncomingEdgeMap() map[Label]NodeInfo
    func (n *Node) ShortRepr() string
    func (n *Node) Stream(label Label, selector Selector) *Stream
    func (n *Node) String() string
type NodeInfo
type RunHook
type Selector
type Stream
 func Concat(streams []*Stream, kwargs ...KwArgs) *Stream
    func Filter(streamSpec []*Stream, filterName string, args Args, kwArgs ...KwArgs) *Stream
    func Input(filename string, kwargs ...KwArgs) *Stream
    func MergeOutputs(streams ...*Stream) *Stream
    func NewStream(node *Node, streamType string, label Label, selector Selector) *Stream
    func Output(streams []*Stream, fileName string, kwargs ...KwArgs) *Stream
    func (s *Stream) ASplit() *Node
    func (s *Stream) Audio() *Stream
    func (s *Stream) ColorChannelMixer(kwargs ...KwArgs) *Stream
    func (s *Stream) Compile() *exec.Cmd
    func (s *Stream) Concat(streams []*Stream, kwargs ...KwArgs) *Stream
    func (s *Stream) Crop(x, y, w, h int, kwargs ...KwArgs) *Stream
    func (s *Stream) DrawBox(x, y, w, h int, color string, thickness int, kwargs ...KwArgs) *Stream
    func (s *Stream) Drawtext(text string, x, y int, escape bool, kwargs ...KwArgs) *Stream
    func (s *Stream) Equal(other Stream) bool
    func (s *Stream) ErrorToStdOut() *Stream
    func (s *Stream) Filter(filterName string, args Args, kwArgs ...KwArgs) *Stream
    func (s *Stream) Get(index string) *Stream
    func (s *Stream) GetArgs() []string
    func (s *Stream) GlobalArgs(args ...string) *Stream
    func (s *Stream) HFlip(kwargs ...KwArgs) *Stream
    func (s *Stream) Hash() int
    func (s *Stream) Hue(kwargs ...KwArgs) *Stream
    func (s *Stream) Output(fileName string, kwargs ...KwArgs) *Stream
    func (s *Stream) OverWriteOutput() *Stream
    func (s *Stream) Overlay(overlayParentNode *Stream, eofAction string, kwargs ...KwArgs) *Stream
    func (s *Stream) OverwriteOutput(stream *Stream) *Stream
    func (s *Stream) Run() error
    func (s *Stream) RunLinux() error
    func (s *Stream) RunWithResource(cpuRequest, cpuLimit float32) error
    func (s *Stream) SetPts(expr string) *Node
    func (s *Stream) Split() *Node
    func (s *Stream) String() string
    func (s *Stream) Trim(kwargs ...KwArgs) *Stream
    func (s *Stream) VFlip(kwargs ...KwArgs) *Stream
    func (s *Stream) Video() *Stream
    func (s *Stream) View(viewType ViewType) (string, error)
    func (s *Stream) WithCpuCoreLimit(n float32) *Stream
    func (s *Stream) WithCpuCoreRequest(n float32) *Stream
    func (s *Stream) WithCpuSet(n string) *Stream
    func (s *Stream) WithErrorOutput(out io.Writer) *Stream
    func (s *Stream) WithInput(reader io.Reader) *Stream
    func (s *Stream) WithMemSet(n string) *Stream
    func (s *Stream) WithOutput(out ...io.Writer) *Stream
    func (s *Stream) WithTimeout(timeOut time.Duration) *Stream
    func (s *Stream) ZoomPan(kwargs ...KwArgs) *Stream
type DagNode interface {
 Hash() int
 // Compare two nodes
 Equal(other DagNode) bool
 // Return a full string representation of the node.
 String() string
 // Return a partial/concise representation of the node
 ShortRepr() string
 // Provides information about all incoming edges that connect to this node.
 //        The edge map is a dictionary that maps an “incoming_label“ to “(outgoing_node, outgoing_label)“.  Note that
 //        implicity, “incoming_node“ is “self“.  See "Edges" section above.
 IncomingEdgeMap() map[Label]NodeInfo

Node in a directed-acyclic graph (DAG).

Edges: DagNodes are connected by edges. An edge connects two nodes with a label for each side: - “upstream_node“: upstream/parent node - “upstream_label“: label on the outgoing side of the upstream node - “downstream_node“: downstream/child node - “downstream_label“: label on the incoming side of the downstream node

For example, DagNode A may be connected to DagNode B with an edge labelled “foo” on A’s side, and “bar” on B’s side:

_____ _____ | | | | | A >[foo]—[bar]> B | || ||

Edge labels may be integers or strings, and nodes cannot have more than one incoming edge with the same label.

DagNodes may have any number of incoming edges and any number of outgoing edges. DagNodes keep track only of their incoming edges, but the entire graph structure can be inferred by looking at the furthest downstream nodes and working backwards.

Hashing: DagNodes must be hashable, and two nodes are considered to be equivalent if they have the same hash value.

Nodes are immutable, and the hash should remain constant as a result. If a node with new contents is required, create a new node and throw the old one away.

String representation: In order for graph visualization tools to show useful information, nodes must be representable as strings. The “String“ operator should provide a more or less “full” representation of the node, and the “ShortRepr“ property should be a shortened, concise representation.

Again, because nodes are immutable, the string representations should remain constant.

// 节点
type Node struct {
 streamSpec          []*Stream
 name                string   // input、global_args、overwrite_output、merge_output、output 
 incomingStreamTypes sets.String
 outgoingStreamType  string
 minInputs           int
 maxInputs           int
 args                []string
 kwargs              KwArgs
 nodeType            string
// 流
type Stream struct {
 Node     *Node     // 
 Label    Label     // 
 Selector Selector    // 
 Type     string     // 
 Context  context.Context  // 

